Interesting Kids Reading Nook Ideas To Make Reading More Fun

Interesting Kids’ Reading Nook Ideas to Make Reading More Fun!

As a parent, you know how important it is for you to get your children interested in reading books. The joy of reading books is a gift that you absolutely cannot miss on, and introducing your child to books at a young age will help her as he grows older. In most cases, getting the child to start reading is the biggest challenge. But if she’s guided correctly by the parent, the kid will get into a habit of reading books regularly. We highly recommend setting up a personal, cosy, and comfortable reading corner for your little one to entice her to spend more time reading! To make you work easier, we have suggested some creative ideas that you can try to set a cosy and comfy reading space for your little one!

Things You Must Consider While Creating a Reading Nook for Kids

Before setting up the reading corner, you need to consider the following points:

1. A peaceful corner with natural lighting

This is the most important aspect that you need to consider. A quiet and peaceful reading corner, preferably with natural light, is what you need. A cosy place near the window, a corner, or a wall will work perfectly. It is highly recommended that your kids are exposed to natural lighting as it’s beneficial for their physical and mental wellbeing and will also impact their academic performance. So, make sure there is an ample amount of natural light, wherever you set up a reading corner for her.

2. Children’s reading nook furniture

Another crucial aspect is comfortable furniture. Ideally, a reading corner should have a table, chair, etc. Also, set up a kid’s bookcase in the reading nook, it can either be a bookcase or a few shelves on the wall.

3. Decide on the theme of reading nook space

This is the most exciting part of setting up a reading nook for your kids. You can decide whether you would like to go for a tent, tepee, a window bench seat, or something else. There are a few ideas given below, but the theme would depend on your child’s preference and your budget.

4. Add a personalised touch to the reading space

The personal involvement of both the parents and kids is essential when setting up a reading space. A personalised touch can be added to the reading area by adding some soft cushions, rugs, throws, etc. If there’s enough space, you can also include some motivating quotes by great authors!

5. Select proper artificial lighting for the reading nook corner

Proper artificial lighting is as important as natural lighting. You need to select a light that is apt for reading and does not strain your kid’s eyes. Soft white light is considered suitable for reading.

Creative Kids’ Reading Nook Ideas

Read along to get some fun and interesting reading nook ideas that will definitely spark the love for books in your kids!

1. Perch Treehouse

Having a private treehouse is every kid’s dream! How about building a lofted floor area with a ladder and an artificial wall. You can create this towards the narrow end of a hallway or in any corner of a room. If possible, select a place with a window. A nicely arranged rail shelf along the wall will complete the look.

2. Personalised Book Shelves

There is something about the cover of the book that gets us choosing a book! Isn’t that right? So, why not keep that in mind while shelving books? Fill up the shelves with books that have captivating titles and cover pages. The books can be neatly arranged on rail shelves on an empty wall or a corner, and you can add a chair and a reading lamp nearby.

3. Fireplace Reading Nook

If there is an old unused fireplace in your living room, then you can transform it into a reading corner for your kids. Add some bright lights, comfortable seating, cushions, and of course, some interesting books, and you’re done!

4. Window Reading Nook

Best Kids' Reading Nook Ideas

A cosy little window nook makes for an elegant library and study. You can add a few rail shelves just beneath the window and stack up all the books. Complete the look with a comfortable chair, a table, and a reading lamp.

5. Wardrobe Reading Space

This is one of the most creative and unique ways to set up a reading area for your child. This one is perfect if you can’t find space anywhere else in the house. Get an old armoire that is all decked up, and stack up all the books neatly on the shelves. Next, arrange a cosy table, chair, and reading lamp in front of it and your reading nook is ready. When it’s not being used, you can just close the wardrobe.

6. DIY Kid’s Reading Nook

You don’t need a luxurious space to create a reading nook for your kids. A single corner of the room will be space enough if you set it up beautifully! Set up a proper seating arrangement that is soft and comfortable in the corner and place a bookshelf beside the furniture. You can also make a DIY wooden pallet seat using reclaimed wood to create the perfect seating.

7. Attic Space Reading Corner

Most of the houses have an attic. If you have one that’s vacant, then do make use of it by creating a reading nook for your kids in the attic. Add some beautiful lighting, stickers, comfy seating, lots of books, and a ladder!

8. Teepee Reading Nook

Easy and Simple DIY Reading Nooks for Your Child

Set up a gorgeous little tepee for your child and see the magic! Kids love to spend time curled up in their cosy tepee engrossed in their own world of innocence. This reading nook can be created in the corner of your kid’s room. This one will surely encourage them to spend more time reading.

9. Closet Reading Corner

A tiny closet is probably one of the best places to create children’s reading nook. It gives them seclusion, privacy, and also looks cool. Deck it up with soft furnishings, stack up the books around the shelves, and finally, adorn it with proper lighting.

10. Cute Canopy Reading Area

Just like a tepee, tents and canopies work really well for a reading nook. You can buy a canopy from a store or set up a DIY canopy or tent using some curtains, wooden dowels, and nets. Complete it with some soft furnishings, good lighting, and personalised stuff to create a happy space for your little one!

We hope that the ideas given above help you create the perfect DIY reading nook for your little one!

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