Prep:  5 min
Cook:  10 min
Serves:  6
Average: 4.3 (11 votes)
Recipe by: Western Star
Celebrate Christmas with a platter of Australian seafood with fresh flavours and perfect pairing lemon, herb & garlic butter. Any of your favourite fresh seafood will work with this recipe.

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Seafood Platter with Lemon, Herb and Garlic Butter
Lemon, Herb & Garlic Butter
Seafood Platter
Lemon, Herb & Garlic Butter
  1. Add butter into a small saucepan and place over medium heat
  2. Once melted add remaining ingredients and stir to combine
Tips & Hints:
  • Try experimenting with different herb combinations
  • Add a few slices of this butter to steamed vegetables for an added flavour hit
Seafood Platter
  1. Heat BBQ to high heat and toss prawns in olive oil. Grill prawns in batches until charred and just cooked (1 - 2 mins each side). Place the scallops shell side down onto the BBQ and cover with the lid. Cook for 3 - 4 mins or until cooked through, turning the scallops (not the shells) halfway through.
  2. Carefully remove the scallops in the shells and prawns and place them on a serving platter.
  3. Generously spoon butter over the BBQ seafood and serve hot.
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