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Rare Super Blue Moon Will Appear Wednesday—What It Is And How To See It

Updated Aug 29, 2023, 01:19pm EDT


Wednesday night skies will feature a “super blue moon,” according to NASA, meaning it will be the second time this month there will be a supermoon—a rarity that won’t occur again for years.

Key Facts

A supermoon occurs when the Moon is both full and at or near its closest point to Earth, according to NASA, which happens just three or four times a year—but if one month sees two full moons, the second is called a blue moon, making two supermoons in one month a “super blue moon.”

The super blue moon may not look too much bigger than normal as the difference between the normal Moon and a supermoon is usually similar to the difference between a quarter and a nickel, though NASA says it should be brighter.

The Moon will appear opposite the sun at 9:36 p.m. eastern time Wednesday night; Saturn will also be visible alongside the moon around 8:42 p.m.

Big Number

14. That’s how many years it will be until we see another super blue moon. NASA said the time between super blue moons is irregular, and can be as much as 20 years, but they’re usually about 10 years apart. The next super blue moons will be in January and March 2037.

Surprising Fact

Though nearly every month has a full moon—about 25% of which are considered supermoons—only 3% of full moons are blue moons. The last blue moon was in August 2021 and the next will be in May 2026, so if you miss this one, it will be a while before you can see one again.


The term blue moon has nothing to do with its color, so don’t expect it to appear blue when you go out to look on Wednesday night. The moon only actually appears blue when small air particles like smoke or dust “scatter away” red wavelengths of light, according to NASA, which can make the moon appear blue.

Further Reading

Moon: NASA ScienceSuper Blue Moons: Your Questions Answered - Moon: NASA ScienceCbsnewsA rare super blue moon arrives this week. Here's how to see it.
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