Gilled lungfish
(Protopterus amphibius)


Species: Protopterus amphibius

General data

Scientific names: Gilled lungfish, East African lungfish
Habitat: Freshwater
Climates: Tropical, Arid (desert)
Native: Africa
Distribution: Zambezi

The gilled lungfish (Protopterus amphibius), also known as the East African lungfish, is a species of African lungfish. It is found in the swamps and flood plains of East Africa, and has been positively identified in Kenya, Somalia and Mozambique. Records from Tanzania require confirmation and may be the result of introductions.

Protopterus amphibius generally only reaches a length of 44 cm (17 in), making it the smallest extant lungfish.

This lungfish is uniform blue or slate grey in colour. It has small or inconspicuous black spots and a pale grey belly. Like all African lungfish it has two lungs and is an obligate air-breather. Also, like all other African lungfish, it is able to burrow and form a mucous cocoon for protection in a process known as estivation.

The gilled lungfish is a primarily demersal fish, living largely within the riverbeds of the Zambezi River system of East Africa. It also inhabits similar areas in the wetlands of the region.

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