Art: “Himbo” Alfonzo

My friend, Noelle, an amazing artist herself, posted this on Facebook. It seemed like a fun challenge, and an opportunity to practice my art a little more (especially after a failed Tik Tok series where I didn’t like anything I made).

So, I gave it a shot.

I had some good friends comment on my own post when I shared this, and got basics for a great himbo.

(Himbo (n): a very attractive male that is sometimes a bit dim, but super sweet, and always respects women)

And here he is. Alfonzo the himbo. I feel a lot better about him than I have about my past work, so this is a good start to my repertoire series. Also, if you want the prompts and a small Alfonzo comic featuring his turtle, Charles, stay tuned to the end of the post.

Which is now.



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