
New Lawsuit Accuses St. Ives Apricot Facial Scrub of Causing Irritation

When you think of a face scrub, the St. Ives Apricot version likely comes to mind. It’s both ubiquitous in drugstores across America and highly controversial, as many say that it actually made their skin much worse. And now Unilever, St. Ives’s parent company, is facing a lawsuit based on that claim.

In an article titled “WE GOT WALNUTS TO THE FACE … We Wanted Gentle Apricots,” TMZ — the official source for celebrity gossip and, apparently, skin-care-product drama — reports that two women have filed a $5 million class-action lawsuit against Unilever. They say the St. Ives scrub has caused irritation, and that while the company claims the product is “dermatologist tested,” dermatologists don’t actually recommend it.

In fact, dermatologists confirmed to the Cut that the sandy, granular substances found in scrubs like St. Ives are damaging to your skin, making it prone to inflammation and, eventually, wrinkles. Microbead-based scrubs are slightly better, but, then again, think of the dolphins.

Lawsuit Accuses St. Ives Apricot Scrub of Causing Irritation