Time for a Tinfoil Hat Lady movement

Dina Galassini
tin foil hatEverything the Arizona Corporation Commission needed to know about smart meters walked in on one woman's head.

Re: "Tinfoil hats win one at your expense," Dec. 21 editorial.

Filmmaker Mike Nichols once said, "Anybody who tells the truth, especially by themselves, is a very compelling figure."

Go Tinfoil Hat Lady! Ratepayers never opted in for electronic meters or the extra communication equipment they house. I have a hard time believing the smart meter opt-outers are causing the ratepayers waves of extra costs. Wasn't APS subsidized by the government for these meters?

The Tinfoil Hat Lady brings this issue of safety concern to the forefront. She's smarter than you think. Approximately 30 people spoke at the Corporation Commission meeting. I recall about 98 percent in opposition of electronic meters.

A major issue with the electronic meters is you can't just turn them off like a cell phone or Wi-Fi. Too bad Mike Nichols is no longer with us to make a film about the Tinfoil Hat Lady, yet The Arizona Republic did a pretty good job of making her famous. Is it time for the Tinfoil Hat Lady movement?

— Dina Galassini, Scottsdale