A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Russell Crowe as John Nash in A Beautiful Mind

Russell Crowe as John Nash in A Beautiful Mind

Best Picture Winner 2001: A Beautiful Mind

Directed by: Ron Howard

Starring: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris

Other Awards: Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress (Jennifer Connelly)

Summary: The story of John Nash, a gifted economist whose mental illness proves to be a setback in his desire for achievement.

Once again, Russell Crowe dazzles on the big screen. Even now, I don’t believe I would ever think to cast Russell Crowe in this type of role. I see him as someone who has such an authoritative presence on screen that demands awe as well as some degree of fearfulness. The character of John Nash could not be more opposite. A quiet, unstable genius, Nash establishes himself as a mathematician while at Princeton in the 1940s and later draws the attention of other interested parties, who want him to become a cryptographer in the fight against the Soviets. Over time, Nash’s commitments to this cause take a toll on his personal life and mental state.

Russell Crowe’s performance is raw, emotional and dare I say, better than Gladiator? Personally, I think this performance trumps his previous year’s win, but I’m just happy the man got an Oscar one way or another.

I remember the first time I watched this movie just being in awe and really feeling the story so much so that I count it as one of the very few movies that has taken me on an emotional roller coaster and to this day it is one of my favorite movies. I believe that is due to the exceptional acting, especially from the leads, Crowe and Jennifer Connelly, who plays Nash’s wife, Alicia, as well as the writing. Because of this, I believe the film absolutely earned all of the Oscars it deserved.

I am a big fan of Ron Howard and the way he tells his stories. His films are conventional in style but still manage to take you on a ride even if you know exactly what is coming, which I think is a true test of talent. He has a tendency to take on projects that are based on true stories or just relatively well known and turn them into a surprise for the whole audience. Even if you know the plot of A Beautiful Mind, (which I did not going into it the first time which may have to do with my initial mesmerization) I guarantee you will still be shocked and feel all the emotions you’re meant to feel from the film.

Jennifer Connelly as Alicia Nash and Russell Crowe as John Nash

Jennifer Connelly as Alicia Nash and Russell Crowe as John Nash

Jennifer Connelly’s performance is absolutely on par with Crowe’s, as it needed to be for the whole film to work. She transforms her character, Alicia, on the screen from this interesting, mysterious love interest to a vulnerable and sympathetic person who becomes more identifiable than the main character at a certain point. It is refreshing to see a female character with some depth, but unfortunately it is not enough. A Beautiful Mind scores 1/3 on the Bechdel test. (my first post explains what it is if you are unfamiliar) The only other named female in the film is Marcee, a little girl who recurs throughout the film. She and Alicia never interact. I don’t care how good the film is or how much I enjoy it, (a lot in this case) if it doesn’t pass the Bechdel test, it won’t get more than 4 stars from me.

If I haven’t made it obvious already, A Beautiful Mind is a fantastic movie in my eyes, especially from a storytelling and acting perspective. Some critics have condemned it to being overrated, but I think that has to do with the conventional storytelling that I love so much about it. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to get wrapped up in a good story for 2 hours. 4 stars. Just imagine what that could have been with a handful of female characters tossed in there!

TRIVIA: One of three movies Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly have starred in together, the other two being Winter’s Tale (2014) and Noah (2014)



One thought on “A Beautiful Mind (2001)

  1. I have never seen the movie, so I cannot say how I enjoyed it myself. But based on your praise for the story and characters, this seems like a movie definitely worth watching!

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