Paramotor: the Paragliding Flight that Does Not Require a Slope

In a world where there is nothing but stress, rush, schedules and duties, we seek to take a break and prioritize what makes us feel alive in a unique way. It is no secret that flying is the dream of almost everyone and luckily, we have different tools to do it. If you are thinking about flying and don't know where to start, we will tell you everything you need to know about it. Paramotor and thus resolve all your doubts.

Paramotor flights give you indescribable freedom.

What is Paramotoring?

The Paramotor is considered an adaptation of the paraglider, since it is like it but powered by a motor with a propeller. Paragliders need a wind speed of 20 kilometers per hour to fly. Depending on the type of sail, this speed is achieved thanks to the wind generated by running and launching down a slope. In paramotor flight, that wind speed is generated by the motor that is carried on the back. As soon as the necessary speed is achieved, the sail takes off.

The takeoff can be started on foot, from a small space, or using a wheeled chassis called a “trike” with which we will slide more easily. Furthermore, if you always prefer to take off on wheels, the best option is to use the "paratrike", a flight equipment on a tricycle.

Paramotor History and Flight Records

Its origin dates back to the early 80s, in France, when some paragliders began to adapt lawnmower engines to their paragliding equipment to be able to propel them to take off from flat areas.

Since it emerged, it quickly gained popularity in the world, and many paragliding pilots or new pilots saw in this modality the possibility of making longer trips without depending on the relief or being subject to the quality of the air currents. Many pilots began increasingly demanding tests in terms of covering distances and gaining altitude, flying.

Russians and Spaniards, the pioneers

The first world record of the International Air Federation was obtained in June 2005 by the Russian team made up of pilots Vladimir Kurin, Nikolay Karabchouk and Alexander Bogdanov. Each of them broke a world record within a project called “Troika Air”. Two of them are still valid.

Already at that time the Russians stated that the biggest contender in the competitions was the Spanish national team. Its member Ramón Morillas Salmerón managed to surpass the world record for paramotor crossing, by completing a 1.105 kilometer flight between Jerez de la Frontera and Lanzarote. He later became world champion three times and holds the record for altitude, 6700 meters, and crossings over the sea, volcanoes and jungles.

Other notable Spaniards in the history of paramotor flight are Daniel Crespo, world paratrike champion, Nino Mueltas, two-seater paratrike world champion, Juanjo García, European paramotor champion and Alfonso Redondo European paratrike champion.

The Russian team was also a pioneer in paramotors with a paragliding sail control system, piloted by two people, and a land motor landing device, in this case, with passenger Olga Rusakova.

We can all imagine how difficult it was to be in the air for about 15 hours, exposed to a height like that and unpredictable low temperatures. Such prolonged flights require hard and continuous work in the field of meteorology, choosing the correct route and observing safety measures during the execution of the flight.

The longest paramotor ride

The longest Paramotor trip, 8008 kilometers, was made in 2009 by the documentary filmmaker and photographer Benjamin Jordan during their Above + Beyond Canada campaign. In an unprecedented flight across Canada, she carried out 108 flights and landings at schools and summer youth camps. Jordan gave moving speeches and organized the young people into formations before taking off and continuing his journey. The income obtained from her solidarity journey was donated to various charitable foundations throughout Canada to help children from families in financial distress to be able to attend summer camps.

Finally, we will mention in the history of motorized paragliding populating the skies of the world, the largest concentration of pilots in the air. This took place in 2013, in the Laguna de Gómez Natural Park, in Junín, Argentina, on November 30, 2013, when 224 Paramotors in flight painted the sky with their colored wings.

With a Paramotor flight you enjoy the feeling of freedom from the heights and a magnificent view.

Paramotor: Recreational or Sports Activity for everyone

To enjoy a Paramotor flight it is not necessary to know anything, nor have special physical conditions, nor training, nor a good figure, nor be young or old. We can all do a Paramotor flight during a tandem flight with a qualified pilot. Children under 14 years of age will require parental authorization. There is also no gender distinction and Paramotoring is equally practiced by men and women.

The best experience to get started in this sport is a first taste of flying. These flights are made in equipment designed to carry two people, either taking off on foot, or on a trike on wheels. The tandem flight is ideal to have a first impression of the sensation of flying. If you like it, the next step is to find a school near your home and learn to fly with your own wings!

To enjoy a two-seater Paramotor flight, as your first experience, you do not need certifications. What you should know before taking off and during the flight, the pilot who accompanies you will explain it to you while the process lasts.

If the sensation of floating in the air conquers you and you want to govern Paramotoring yourself and get started in this sport, accessing a paragliding and Paramotoring school will be your next step.

When you pass the paragliding course you can fly in a single-seater.

Freedom and safety in the air with the Paramotor

The flight speed that we will achieve by paragliding ranges between 35 and 60 kilometers per hour. The feeling of freedom is unique. On the other hand, flying on a paramotor is very safe since, in addition to hanging from a controllable parachute such as a paraglider, we carry the engine. It means that, if the engine stopped working for any reason, we would still have the paraglider wing which is essentially a parachute and, as if that were not enough, an extra emergency parachute.

All the equipment's previous safety measures guarantee that during the flight you can forget about all worries and fully enjoy flying. Paramotoring is a safe sport.

As a corollary, you should know that many countries in the world do not require any international license to fly as long as you do not do so at high altitudes. Low flying can be practiced as a hobby without a license in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Spain, or the United States, where Civil Aviation does not consider Paramotoring as an aircraft. In any case, it is highly recommended that, at least at the beginning, you fly with someone experienced. It is also suggested to have some type of liability insurance that covers any damage to third parties.

paramotor equipment
It is essential to use the ideal material for paramotor flying and your own safety.

What equipment do I need to fly Paramotor?

The basic and necessary equipment to fly paramotor is the motor and the sail. Then you will have the accessories. The approved helmet, glasses, appropriate clothing, communication equipment, radio, GPS.

  • Paramotor Engine:The engines used by the Paramotor are two-stroke, between 80cc and 350cc, mainly derived from enduro motorcycle engines, given their excellent weight/power ratio. They develop a power of between 14hp and 35hp. Four-stroke engines have also been equipped and there are even developments towards an electric paramotor. The latter are very clean, quiet and reliable, although they are not yet so widespread due to the problem of short battery life. The equipment you should use so that your flights are perfect will adjust to your build. There are for all sizes and weights. There are small engines, for lighter people weighing between around 50 to 60 kilograms, or very powerful engines to carry out two-seater flights for pilot and companion that add up to 150 kilograms. Most of the engines are of European origin and the brands dedicated to this sport install them on chassis with variations in the type of propeller and the type of harness anchoring. It is also possible to adapt karting engines, obtaining very good results. Originally, agricultural engines were adapted, such as the Solo 210, or the Yamaha DT175 motorcycles, which is the one that gives the best results due to its duration, power and reliability. The weight of the engine, chassis, propeller and harness ranges between 18kg and 30kg. , to which we must add the weight of the gasoline carried.
  • Fuel type:The fuel used by the Paramotor is a mixture of 98 or 95 gasoline with a good synthetic oil in percentages ranging from 2 to 3 percent. Consumption is 3 to 5 liters of fuel per flight hour. The flight autonomy depending on the fuel is one and a half to 4 hours. It can be managed by taking advantage of good currents, since we can turn off the engine and turn it on again during the flight.
  • Paramotor Sail:The sail can be the same one used for normal paragliding without a motor, although increasingly factories are aiming for more specialized sails for powered flight. They are complemented with greater reinforcements and even with different characteristics, as is the case of paragliders with 'reflex' profiles. The candle is generally of European or Brazilian origin; Many brands produce in Asia. There are several types of sail depending on the characteristics and skills of the pilot. You should always use a sail size appropriate to the weight of the pilot and companion plus all the equipment.
two-seater paramotor
There are Paramotors of different sizes and weights adapted to everyone.

How much does it cost to fly Paramotor?

Always depending on the options chosen, prices will vary. You cannot forget that your own safety comes first, so always choose a good quality of performance even if I raise the final price a little. Below, we present the most common options for flying Paramotor:

Price of a two-seater flight

The initial Paramotor flights, with a duration of 10 minutes up to half an hour, have a price of between 50 and 150 euros approximately, depending on the duration. It is not recommended to book a lot of flight time to start because we never know how we will react to a new emotion like flying.

A Paramotor flight can constitute a complete tourist itinerary over a certain region. These flights last between 55 minutes to an hour, and the price starts at 150 euros.

Become a pilot and buy my equipment

The price of your own equipment, if it is new, is a considerable outlay. However, it will be a one-time investment. We will need the candle, the price of which is about 2000 euros. The engine costs around 4500 euros. Then the required elements such as the emergency parachute of 400 euros, accessories such as helmet, gloves, radio equipment, GPS, will add about 400 euros more. Therefore, A complete new equipment can cost around 7500 euros.

If you are interested in purchasing your own Paramotor equipment, we recommend that you contact the company directly AIRFER to see all the products they offer. They have 25 years of experience behind them as manufacturers of Paramotors, trikes and paratrikes. You will find a wide range of models in the three categories and of the best quality. Furthermore, taking into account all their knowledge and professionalism, they are characterized by an impeccable after-sales service in which they provide technical service, maintenance of the purchased equipment and spare parts. On the other hand, they always offer the necessary guidance on the matter and solutions to possible incidents.

If you buy second-hand equipment, the price can be half of what is mentioned. In this case you must obtain good advice about the state of the material. If you have the necessary budget and are passionate about paramotoring, we directly recommend purchasing new equipment to avoid setbacks.

To be able to fly autonomously you must pass the qualifying course. Generally, official schools are also equipment distributors. Paramotor courses are offered with materials included. These courses are also offered by selling the future pilot suitable equipment at a discounted price.

The initiation course lasts 6 to 8 days. If we want to qualify as Paramotor pilots, we need to complete two phases of the course. The first phase will be with the school material and the cost starts at 300 euros. The second phase will be carried out with your own equipment and the price is 400 euros and up. The total price to fly autonomously starts at 1200 euros. You will need to take a course, prove your professionalism and obtain a federal license to fly.

Is it dangerous to fly a motorized paraglider?

We must keep in mind that we will be in the air and for us it is not something natural. Obviously there will be risks, but they do not exceed the dangers of driving at 120km/h. That is, you have to be cautious and prioritize your own safety above all. Below is a list of things to keep in mind to fly as safely as possible:

  • Fly in the best conditions: Always make sure that the weather conditions are ideal for flying, without excessive wind.
  • Use the best equipment: Using good equipment is essential to let yourself go at heights. Keep in mind that the better all the material is held and correctly in place, the more secure and confident you will feel.
  • Ask the monitor: Whether you are flying alone or with a monitor, ask all your questions and concerns. To feel safe it is essential to know what is happening at all times. Don't be ashamed to ask everything you want to know.
  • Listen to the recommendations: Always pay attention to the recommendations offered by those who know the most. It is important to know how to listen to advice on technique and thermal conditions that avoid putting yourself in risky situations.

As you can see, paramotor flying does not have to be dangerous if we follow the recommendations of the instructors, carry the appropriate and quality equipment and pay attention to the optimal weather conditions to take flight.

We have dozens of options for you to start flying Paramotor and paragliding in Spain. For nothing in the world should you stop spreading your wings if your free bird instinct is calling you.

Do you dare?

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Prepare the title by answering two questions:

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How to write the description of my activity? 
  • Introduction
  • Facilities, material equipment, human team,…
  • Detailed description of the activity step by step from the moment the client arrives at your facilities until the activity ends.
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