Éducation & Astuces

How to catch the eye of your Malinois?

Comment capter le regard de votre Malinois ?

The importance of the gaze in dog training

The gaze of the Malinois, in addition to being incredibly intense, is an essential element in its education. It lets you know if he is attentive and receptive to your instructions. In this article, we will explain how to catch the eye of your Malinois in order to teach him new things and strengthen your relationship with him.

Techniques to get your dog's attention

We offer several techniques to capture your dog's attention and teach him the "look at me" command. The first technique is to take advantage of natural moments when your dog looks at you spontaneously , such as when you're on the couch together. By using the keyword "look at me" along with positive gestures and hugs , you can reinforce this order.

malinois eat stick

Use keywords to drive attention

An effective trick is to use the keywords your dog already knows to introduce a new word. For example, you can say "sit" before giving the command " look at me " to encourage your dog to stare at you . This method helps to reinforce understanding of commands and establish more fluid communication with your Malinois.

Practical exercises to strengthen the gaze

We offer you a simple exercise to strengthen your dog's attention. By hiding a ball behind you , you encourage your dog to watch you carefully while waiting for the command to get the ball. This exercise can be done during walks or during play sessions, and it helps develop your dog's concentration and patience .
Belgian Shepherd Malinois lying down

Patience and regularity in education

It is important to understand that training a dog does not happen in minutes , but requires patience and regularity. Don't expect instant results , but be prepared to work with your Malinois daily . Patience is the key to success in dog training, and it's essential to keep working with your dog even after you've made progress.


By using the techniques presented in this article, you will be able to catch the eye of your Malinois and establish better communication with him. The key to success is patience , consistency and understanding your dog's needs. Continue to work with your Malinois daily and you will see positive results in his education.

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